Monday, September 12, 2011

Kill All Your Friends

As I near my 25th birthday, I look back on everything I have experienced, and the people that have been in my lives. Some people like to say that every person enters our life for a reason. It sounds like a nice theory, but I feel like I'm still trying to find those reasons out. I am by nature an introvert, and probably an extreme one compared to others. I never feel like I represent who I really am in the first couple of months of meeting new people. I come off too quiet, painfully shy, and in my head, kind of ditsy. Still I know, to my real friends, I am none of these things, but in this world, my real friends are very few, and there are so many other people who see the person I am not.

So I just feel like I am out of place in society. The older I get, the more I start to hate people and everything they do. Making friends was so much easier when we were younger, we never had to worry about trust. Now, I feel like I am constantly losing friends. They either move away, which is not really their fault, or I learn that they can't be my friend. We think that just because we've been friends with someone for a long period of time, that we can't stop being their friend. A friendship is just like any other relationship, and it can be broken. We either grow a part, or betray one another.

Again, we are all suppose to be a part of each others life for a reason, so I guess most of us are to teach us lessons. So now with 25 years of experience, I thank every person I have ever met. You have taught me that most of the world is filled with horrible people who probably shouldn't have been born in the first place. Here is to the Hitler worshipers, the Frat boys, the wannabe Oprahs, and the fake bitches all across the world. And to the people who really love me, I thank you for still making me hope that there are more of you out there.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nostalgia Toy Blast: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The year was 1993, I was 7 years old and my new favorite after school show to watch was called Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Five teenagers who were just randomly chosen to be crime fighters by a giant floating head and an annoying helper robot. Man, that was my show! As a kid I don't think I could explain why, and of course now I don't think I can give that answer because with time, now everything just looks silly. What I do remember was that my favorite Power Ranger wasn't Kimberley, the Pink Ranger, which automatically made her the favorite for most girls. My favorite color wasn't pink, it was red, and that's why my favorite Power Ranger was Jason the Red Ranger. He was also my official first crush, because come on! Did you see what he looked like?

Of course being one of the hottest show for kids, they were also the hottest toys that I had to have. I remember for Easter I found in my Easter basket all six PVC figures of the Power Rangers. It was a very happy Easter for me for sure.

Sadly I remember three of my Power Rangers being stolen by an unknown culprit when I brought them to school and I never got those three back. However, these wouldn't be the last Power Ranger toys I would get. As the rest of the gift giving holidays came around, my Power Ranger collection grew, and soon I had all six of the Auto Morphin figures. Thankfully those figures were never stolen or lost, and I still have these figures in my collection today.

Bandai even went one step further to capitalize on the show's success by coming out with the Trini and Kimberley dolls. That was a hot item for Christmas that I remember getting that year under the tree. Though it's no surprise that Bandai never made that many dolls, because playing wise, Trini and Kimberley weren't good dolls. They were about 5 inches shorter than an average Barbie, and also two times thinner than her. Can you imagine that? A doll that makes Barbie look fat!
Of course I did have many other Power Rangers toys, like the bigger action figures with fighting action, that odd battle spinner thing, the weird beeper that made sounds, and of course all the Mcdonald Happy Meal toys when the first movie came out. When something is popular they'll just put their pictures on anything!

Now 18 years later I'm finally able to watch the whole series all over again thanks to Netflix. Of course now when I watch, I finally notice which scenes are from Japan and which is American. That actually makes the show much more of a comedy now than an action. Sure the series still lives on, but it can't ever be as fun and popular as it once was in the beginning.