Friday, January 16, 2009

Nip/Tuck Season 6 Review

My love affair with Nip/Tuck started when I randomly came across an episode of season 2 when I was channel surfing. It kept my attention and I soon became a fast fan. It was edgy, used good music, had great plot lines, and Christian Troy was hot! The first season built up the characters of the two plastic surgeons and their lives, and they delivered excellent story lines. A priest getting surgery to remove evidence for his molestation charges; they went there. They also created a trademark for executing nice sex scenes that looked hot, not sleazy.

The second season was my favorite, it had edgier plots, more surprises, and they added a masked serial killer, the Carver. The third season is where it kind of went down. While it was still fun to watch, the storyline got kind of stale. Only the fact that we would know who the Carver was, kept my interest up. Even that became annoying because the killer became obvious, and the writers were doing everything to throw us off. Then the fourth season came, and I forgot everything about it. The fifth season came, and it became hard to watch. Their edgy plots turned to outrageous stories just to get shocks. Even the relationships and sex scenes became disgusting, I mean they paired Matt with Kimber, Kimber who slept with both of his dads!

So this long overview brings me to the new season, season 6. I was actually excited to watch because the commercials for this season were great. I guess I can thank Kanye West for that. Now I have only seen two episodes for this season so far, and already I am severely disappointed. I'm going to drop a lot of spoilers right now so if you don't want to know what happens, I wouldn't read. Sean is in a wheelchair because he was brutally stabbed by his psycho stalker. Even though Julia has amnesia, she still has the ability to be pissed at Sean like she has been for five seasons. Matt is starting to shape up and not be weird and creepy like he always has been. Then Christian...Oh, what they have done to Chrisitian has made me so upset! They gave Chrisitian breast cancer!

I heard that this was going to be the last season, and I hope they're right. It's nothing like what it use to be. Instead of being interesting and addictive, it actually makes me cringe to watch. I mean so far in two episodes I've seen a girl put a diaper on Sean during sex, a nasty hooker beating up a weak Christian, a young Indian guy getting a blowjob from an old ugly lady who use to be a guy, and Liz, the lesbian, having sex with Christian. This season will only get more disgusting and sad to watch, there is no doubt. I'll only continue, because I have to know how it ends.

- Nessa C.

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